Wednesday, 5 October 2016

I am what I am by GOD's grace

The word GRACE according to my father Bishop David Oyedepo simply means GOD's Riches At Christ Expense.Bishop David Abioye puts it this way...GOD in the race of life;the first letter G stands for GOD and when you remove G from 'grace' what you have left is race.Does that ring a bell to you?That's why JESUS says without me you can do nothing.It's absolutely by GRACE that anyone becomes whatever he/she turns to be.Grace is the maker of greatness;the greatness of any destiny is a function of the graces available to such individual.
All we can ever be are dormiciled in Christ for GOD has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus and we all know it's the spirit that rules the physical.If everthing that GOD is and that HE has for you is in Christ Jesus,what are you still doing struggling on your own?Have you not heard that by strength shall no man prevail?It is the grace of our LORD JESUS that brings GOD into the affairs of anyone.Take it or leave it...there's no other name given among men whereby we can be saved.There's no salvation anywhere else,if you are not in Christ,crisis will not cease in your life.The days are evil and the devil is ordained by GOD Himself to do more wickedly as the end draws near.If you are not in JESUS,you are simply a disaster waiting to happen.What's your covering?Look here!stop toying with your life,there's no spare one and if you die without JESUS YOU GO TO HELL.IT'S VERY RISKY TO GO TO BED WITHOUT BEING HEAVEN INSURED.IT'S HIGHLY RISKY TO WALK ON OUR STREETS WITHOUT JESUS;ANYTHING CAN HIT YOU.
But wait a minute...have you wondered why things are not walking for you?A time came that Israel was without the true GOD and as result there was no peace to him that went out or came in;great vexation was upon all.But when they began to seek the LORD they were restored.Do you want things to change for you this 2014? Give your life to JESUS.The things you are dieing to make happen are all He died for.PEACE!!!

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